4. Containerized Land DA Workflow

These instructions will help users build and run a basic case for the Unified Forecast System (UFS) Land Data Assimilation (DA) System using a Singularity container. The Land DA container packages together the Land DA System with its dependencies (e.g., spack-stack, JEDI) and provides a uniform environment in which to build and run the Land DA System. Normally, the details of building and running Earth systems models will vary based on the computing platform because there are many possible combinations of operating systems, compilers, MPIs, and package versions available. Installation via Singularity container reduces this variability and allows for a smoother experience building and running Land DA. This approach is recommended for users not running Land DA on a supported Level 1 system (i.e., Hera, Orion).

The out-of-the-box Land DA case described in this User’s Guide builds a weather forecast for January 1, 2016 at 18z to January 3, 2016 at 18z.


This chapter of the User’s Guide should only be used for container builds. For non-container builds, see Chapter 3, which describes the steps for building and running Land DA on a Level 1 System without a container.

4.1. Prerequisites

The containerized version of Land DA requires:

4.1.1. Install Singularity

To build and run Land DA using a Singularity container, first install the Singularity package according to the Singularity Installation Guide. This will include the installation of dependencies and the installation of the Go programming language. SingularityCE Version 3.7 or above is recommended.


Docker containers can only be run with root privileges, and users generally do not have root privileges on HPCs. However, a Singularity image may be built directly from a Docker image for use on the system.

4.2. Build the Container

4.2.1. Set Environment Variables

For users working on systems with limited disk space in their /home directory, it is important to set the SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR and SINGULARITY_TMPDIR environment variables to point to a location with adequate disk space. For example:

export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/absolute/path/to/writable/directory/cache
export SINGULARITY_TMPDIR=/absolute/path/to/writable/directory/tmp

where /absolute/path/to/writable/directory/ refers to a writable directory (usually a project or user directory within /lustre, /work, /scratch, or /glade on NOAA RDHPCS systems). If the cache and tmp directories do not exist already, they must be created with a mkdir command.

On NOAA Cloud systems, the sudo su command may also be required:

mkdir /lustre/cache
mkdir /lustre/tmp
sudo su
export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/lustre/cache
export SINGULARITY_TMPDIR=/lustre/tmp


/lustre is a fast but non-persistent file system used on NOAA Cloud systems. To retain work completed in this directory, tar the files and move them to the /contrib directory, which is much slower but persistent.

4.2.2. Build the Container

Set a top-level directory location for Land DA work, and navigate to it. For example:

export LANDDAROOT=/path/to/landda
[[ -d $LANDDAROOT ]] || mkdir -p $LANDDAROOT

where /path/to/landda is the path to this top-level directory (e.g., /Users/Joe.Schmoe/landda). The second line will create the directory if it does not exist yet.


If a singularity: command not found error message appears in any of the following steps, try running: module load singularity. NOAA RDHPCS Systems

On many NOAA RDHPCS systems, a container named ubuntu20.04-intel-landda.img has already been built, and users may access the container at the locations in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Locations of Pre-Built Containers


File location










Singularity is not available on Gaea, and therefore, container use is not supported on Gaea.

Users can simply set an environment variable to point to the container, as described in Section 4.4.1.

If users prefer, they may copy the container to their local working directory. For example, on Jet:

cp /mnt/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/containers/ubuntu20.04-intel-landda.img . Other Systems

On other systems, users can build the Singularity container from a public Docker container image or download the container from the Land DA Data Bucket. Downloading may be faster depending on the download speed on the user’s system.

To download from the data bucket, users can run:

wget https://noaa-ufs-land-da-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/current_land_da_release_data/ubuntu20.04-intel-landda.img

To build the container from a Docker image, users can run:

singularity build ubuntu20.04-intel-landda.img docker://noaaepic/ubuntu20.04-intel-landda:release-public-v1.0.0

This process may take several hours depending on the system.


Some users may need to issue the singularity build command with sudo (i.e., sudo singularity build...). Whether sudo is required is system-dependent. If sudo is required (or desired) for building the container, users should set the SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR and SINGULARITY_TMPDIR environment variables with sudo su, as in the NOAA Cloud example from Section 4.2.1 above.

4.3. Get Data

In order to run the Land DA System, users will need input data in the form of fix files, model forcing files, restart files, and observations for data assimilation. These files are already present on NOAA RDHPCS systems (see Section 3.1 for details).

Users on any system may download and untar the data from the Land DA Data Bucket into their $LANDDAROOT directory.

wget https://noaa-ufs-land-da-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/current_land_da_release_data/landda-input-data-{YEAR}.tar.gz
tar xvfz landda-input-data-{YEAR}.tar.gz

replacing {YEAR} with either 2016 or 2020. The default name for the untarred file is inputs.

4.4. Run the Container

To run the container, users must:

4.4.1. Set Up the Container

Save the location of the container in an environment variable.

export img=path/to/ubuntu20.04-intel-landda.img

Set the USE_SINGULARITY environment variable to “yes”.


This variable tells the workflow to use the containerized version of all the executables (including python) when running a cycle.

Users may convert a container .img file to a writable sandbox. This step is required when running on Cheyenne but is optional on most other systems:

singularity build --sandbox ubuntu20.04-intel-landda $img

When making a writable sandbox on NOAA RDHPCS systems, the following warnings commonly appear and can be ignored:

INFO:    Starting build...
INFO:    Verifying bootstrap image ubuntu20.04-intel-landda.img
WARNING: integrity: signature not found for object group 1
WARNING: Bootstrap image could not be verified, but build will continue.

From within the $LANDDAROOT directory, copy the land-offline_workflow directory out of the container.

singularity exec -H $PWD $img cp -r /opt/land-offline_workflow .

There should now be a land-offline_workflow directory in the $LANDDAROOT directory. Navigate into the land-offline_workflow directory. If for some reason, this is unsuccessful, users may try a version of the following command instead:

singularity exec -B /<local_base_dir>:/<container_dir> $img cp -r /opt/land-offline_workflow .

where <local_base_dir> and <container_dir> are replaced with a top-level directory on the local system and in the container, respectively. Additional directories can be bound by adding another -B /<local_base_dir>:/<container_dir> argument before the container location ($img).


Be sure to bind the directory that contains the experiment data!


Sometimes binding directories with different names can cause problems. In general, it is recommended that the local base directory and the container directory have the same name. For example, if the host system’s top-level directory is /user1234, the user may want to convert the .img file to a writable sandbox and create a user1234 directory in the sandbox to bind to.

Navigate to the land-offline_workflow directory after it has been successfully copied into $LANDDAROOT.

cd land-offline_workflow

When using a Singularity container, Intel compilers and Intel MPI (preferably 2020 versions or newer) need to be available on the host system to properly launch MPI jobs. Generally, this is accomplished by loading a module with a recent Intel compiler and then loading the corresponding Intel MPI. For example, users can modify the following commands to load their system’s compiler/MPI combination:

module load intel/2022.1.2 impi/2022.1.2


Spack-stack uses lua modules, which require Lmod to be initialized for the module load command to work. If for some reason, Lmod is not initialized, users can source the init/bash file on their system before running the command above. For example, users can modify and run the following command:

source /path/to/init/bash

Then they should be able to load the appropriate modules.

4.4.2. Configure the Experiment

Users on a system with a Slurm job scheduler will need to make some minor changes to the submit_cycle.sh file. Open the file and change the account and queue (qos) to match the desired account and qos on the system. Users may also need to add the following line to the script to specify the partition. For example, on Jet, users should set:

#SBATCH --partition=xjet

Save and close the file.

4.4.3. Run the Experiment

The Land DA System uses a script-based workflow that is launched using the do_submit_cycle.sh script. That script requires an input file that details all the specifics of a given experiment. EPIC has provided four sample settings_* files as examples: settings_DA_cycle_gdas, settings_DA_cycle_era5, settings_DA_cycle_gdas_restart, and settings_DA_cycle_era5_restart. The *restart settings files will only work after an experiment with the corresponding non-restart settings file has been run. This is because they are designed to use the restart files created by the first experiment cycle to pick up where it left off. (e.g., settings_DA_cycle_gdas runs from 2016-01-01 at 18z to 2016-01-03 at 18z. The settings_DA_cycle_gdas_restart will run from 2016-01-03 at 18z to 2016-01-04 at 18z.)

To start the experiment, run:

./do_submit_cycle.sh settings_DA_cycle_gdas

The do_submit_cycle.sh script will read the settings_DA_cycle_* file and the release.environment file, which contain sensible experiment default values to simplify the process of running the workflow for the first time. Advanced users will wish to modify the parameters in do_submit_cycle.sh to fit their particular needs. After reading the defaults and other variables from the settings files, do_submit_cycle.sh creates a working directory (named workdir by default) and an output directory called landda_expts in the parent directory of land-offline_workflow and then submits a job (submit_cycle.sh) to the queue that will run through the workflow. If all succeeds, users will see log and err files created in land-offline_workflow along with a cycle.log file, which will show where the cycle has ended. The landda_expts directory will also be populated with data in the following directories:


Users can check experiment progress/success according to the instructions in Section 3.7, which apply to both containerized and non-containerized versions of the Land DA System.